公司简介 |
广州添翼电子有限公司是一家立足华南,面向全国,为政府、军区、教育、银行、证券等企事业单位信息化建设提供全面解决方案的专业公司(电话:020-82310630 QQ:341575000)。公司一直致力于投影机销售、投影机出租、全息投影、3D影院组建、互动投影、大屏幕拼接、幻影成像、裸眼3D楼体秀、投影机租赁等业务,承接多媒体会议室和多媒体电教室的设计、施工,专业组建家庭影院及数码影院的音视频工程、视频监控系统和校园广播系统工程。公司自筹建以来,和多个国际知名品牌建立了良好的合作关系,在本行业积累了丰富的实践经验并有广泛的影响力,以优质的产品及优良的服务为广东及全国地区多家单位提供全面和系统的现代化建设解决方案,赢得了广大用户的一致好评。企业宗旨:以品质打造市场,以服务成就未来
Based in Southern China while with sales network all over the country, Guangzhou Tianyi Electronics Co.,Ltd is a a company that offers professional IT solutions to many type of businesses such as to government, army, schools, banks and security stocks,etc. With many years experience of runing our business, we have been involved in selling, reparing and lease of projectors, desinging and setting up multi-media class and conference rooms. Also, we do a lot of audio engineering projects such as home movie theatre, digital cinema, vidio monitor systems and campus radio broadcast systems. With plentiful experience of practice,our sales department, engineering department and lease department have earned customer’s trust by providing them excellent services in helping them systmize and mordernize their business through the joint cooperation with many international famous brand companies.
Our mission is: To win the market by great quality and excellent service.
Our Moto is: Always move forward as a team and to be creative while honuring the facts.
Our philosophy is: Reputation is the most important while honesty is always our best policy.