 数字展示在线首页 > 资讯中心 > Y&H.源作打造的十三场梦境浸入式全息投影秀


编辑:格非儿 文章来源:数字展示在线 发布日期:2017-11-20 8:16:04

  在峰 & 黄莺和他们的新媒体团队 Y&H 源作携手央视打造了一场全息投影和舞蹈表演的浸入式新媒体作品,在这个大型跨界合作项目的一系列作品中,进一步探索不断具体化的虚拟性。如果说浸入式艺术是用技术宗教形成空间包围,全息投影则将人类的身份与信息形式的界限模糊和打破,在这个系统中,再现的身体与表现的身体通过不断变幻的投射影像结合起来,我们的主体变成了一个混合物,一个由各种异质、异源成分的集合,一个物质与信息的混合体,持续不断的建构并重建自身与系统之间的关系,以及对真实世界与虚拟世界的重新审视。





  Zaifeng & Huang Ying  and their new media team was invited by CCTV to create immersive art space and holographic projection show for an adolescent science and technology program. The team uses 1,600 screens to turn virtual VR into a physical version of the grand stage, allowing each participant to find a role in it. Dancing in the holographic projection space further explored the virtual nature of constant reification. If the immersion space is surrounded by a technique of religion, holography obscures and breaks the boundary between human identity and information form. In this system, the representation of the body combined with the performance of the body through the changing projection images. Our subject becomes a mixture, a collection of heterogeneous, a mixture of matter and information, constantly building and reconstructing its boundaries.

  Y&H·源作 是跨领域新媒体团队,根植于艺术、科技、技术等多方位领域,不断跨越真实世界和虚拟世界认知与体验的边界。
